Once you are functionally deficient in certain nutrients it is really difficult to replete them through food alone.
Stress among other lifestyle factors like poor sleep, environmental toxins, and even certain medications can strip us of our nutrients.
Our soil is depleted of minerals and our waters are contaminated increasing our risk of nutrient deficiency and mercury poisoning.
B vitamins aid in the body's and mind's energy output. These are nutrients that once deficient cannot be repleted through food alone. Your energy levels, digestion, brain function, and red blood cell formation are all positively impacted by supporting your body with the right quantity and proper form of B vitamins.
Vitamin D is a global deficiency. This well-studied nutrient is a pro-hormone so optimal levels are necessary to support other hormones in the body. Vitamin D is a major player in bone health, helps regulate calcium in the body, and supports a strong immune system. It is limited in the foods we eat. Without 15-20 minutes of sun exposure each day, it's critical to support this nutrient daily.
Probiotics can be obtained by consuming high-quality yogurt or fermented foods, however, most people fall short of getting enough good bacteria in their diet. Supplementing with a multi-strain probiotic will support different areas of the body, especially digestion resulting in bowel regularity and decreased bloating and gas.
Omega 3 fish oil is essential fat we need in our body to support heart health, reduce inflammation, and support brain health. Consuming fish more than a few times per week puts us at risk of heavy metal contamination. Supplementing daily with a high-quality, molecularly distilled fish oil is imperative for our overall health.
* Before purchasing please contact us with questions or if a referral code is needed.
Virtual and in-person appointments are available Monday-Friday. See hours of operation.
For general inquiries or to schedule a consultation, please contact us.
186 Fairfield Road, Fairfield, New Jersey 07004, United States
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